Wednesday, September 22, 2010

World Peace day Commemorated

Proceeding of Seminar regarding world peace day commenced with recitation of the Holy Quran by Fareed Khan while Ghani Rehman Afridi took responsibility to run the stage. Khan Sahib Convener Citizen Rights Movement (CRM) was the first among the participants who spoke on the occasion, welcoming the participants and briefed them about the objectives of CRM and he also talked about the importance of the peace day. He said that CRM comprised of 9 Organizations of Peshawar which are supported by the SPO generously. SPO has been working hard to build the capacity of these organizations for the last one and half year. CRM is engaged holding seminars, walks, dialogue, workshops and conferences on almost all important topics and subjects which could be proved helpful to people and society in their development and awareness. Today CRM is holding this seminar to remember the international day of peace and work towards establishment of peace in our region and entire world. This day reminds us peace and tells us to hate wars and fighting because wars bring contempt and hardships for the people of our world. We want to a see a world of peace and strive to make it as a cradle of peace, love and fraternity. We want our organizations to get united and to work for the promotion of peace in region.

Idrees Kamal, convener Amn Tehrik also spoke on the occasion saying that this day is being observed on international level all over the world. The international day of peace happens every year on 21st September and it is dedicated to peace. Many nations of the world observe this day with enthusiasm and fervor. Before inauguration of this day a special type of the bell is rung at United Nations Headquarters and the said bell is cast from coins donated by the children from all continents. The inscription on it reads as, long live absolute world peace.
The UN General Assembly declared in a resolution sponsored by the United Kingdom and Costa Rica, the third Tuesday of September as the international day of peace devoted to commemorating and strengthening the ideals of peace. Pakistan is 5th in number of the countries regarding political instability. Norway is the only country of the world where there is no instability and peace is all around. Its people are prosperous and peaceful. Amn Tehrik(Peace Movement) was launched April 24, 2009 in Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in which about 35 big and small organizations participated and declared its formation. Those days were very hard and there was fear all around. IDPs were coming to Peshawar and other comparatively safer districts of Pakhtunkhwa Province. First IDPs conference was held in Peshawar in which IDPs of Swat emptied their hearts. Latter on a demonstration was also held in which people demanded for peace and against terrorism. By the time the atmosphere of the region was very tense but the said demos inculcated a new spirit of life and hope in people and they started their voice for the peace. Idrees Kamal also demanded of Arab and Punjabis militants and terrorists to go back their homes and leave Pakhtun people to settle their own house. Arab and Punjabis terrorists have destroyed the peace in region. We are concerned about the frequent abduction of our doctors, engineers, professors, Journalists and other professionals by the terrorists who terrorize our people by kidnapping people from the almost all parts of Pakhtunkhwa and FATA. We should not keep mum as this silence will take us to annihilation. Pakistan should formulate such policies which are not harmful to its people and neighbors alike because the wrong doings and faulty policies will destroy us and our next generation.
Said Mukhtar Bacha, the chief gusest who is also the provincial president of National Party and an active member of Amn Tehrik said to the participants that he was pleased to see people like those present on that occasion for the commemoration of such great days. Peace is an important thing which I think each and every living being needs. We formed a movement to promote the peace in Peshawar which is named as Amn Tehrik (Peace Movement). This movement has a lot to its credit for the peace. It issued a declaration called Declaration of Peshawar which is a unique document and if some one wants to work for the promotion of peace he should read it. It was said that Norway has peace but I would like to say that its peace is due to its economic development. Norway is about 240 times more developed country than Pakistan. If people and countries are economically prosperous then its people are peaceful and happy. But alas! Our country Pakistan has been spending on the defense. We have to slash the defense expenditures. Human being needs peace. One who is moving on two feet and work against peace then he or she will not be called as human and they will be known as animals. There have been about 63 years of creation of Pakistan and our 80% budget is spent on defense. How can we keep mum over this injustice? If we do not raise our concern over it then we will be annihilated. Some people say that Talib is fighting in Afghanistan against America. How is it possible for a poor Talib to fight against a super power? This is also not possible for a Talib to use such sophisticated weapons and bear its burden. Today our province is more dangerous than Afghanistan. The people are psychologically ill and get very easily angry. We are human being and we need to work for the promotion of the peace in our region as well as world.

Iqbal a social activist also spoke on the occasion and talked about the importance of peace and world peace day.
Zaibunnisa Program Officer Advocacy SPO thanked the participants and CRM for organizing such gathering which commemorated the international Day of Peace. She asked the people to play their role for the promotion of the peace in region and world. She also eulogized the importance of the peace day and said that such days are needed to be observed with enthusiasm and fervor. She said that SPO has been doing its services for the people who are engaged doing betterment for the people and community. Peace is pre requisite for us all as without peace life becomes redundant and many precious people and beings spoil and perish. Wars are unable to resolve the issues. Only peace is the instrument which has the capability to solve our problems and for this purpose we all need to get hands and raise a voice in unison to promote peace all around.
Besides other Zar ali khan musazai(Afridi) Chairman Tribal NGOs Consortium, Manzoor Afridi General Secretary TNC , Ameer Khan General Secretary Pakhtun Democratic Council, Tahira Shaheen General Secretary CRM, Anwar Khan Advocate, Tariq Khan, Sajjad Khalil, Zeenat, Robina Massy, Shagufta Esa Khan, Asif Khan and a large number of people representing civil and political societies and organizations in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and FATA.

Reported by
Zar ali khan musazai(Afridi)
Executive Director
Society for Rights and Development
Tribal NGOs Consortium

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