Friday, July 30, 2010

An appeal to national and international organizations, Pakhtun Diaspora, national and international community

For the last 4-days there has been raining in almost all parts and districts/Agencies of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and FATA which caused a lot of destruction and devastated many houses especially huts and mud built houses. The flood caused due to heavy downpour and gushed into the settlements especially in rural areas of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa which has demolished almost all houses and million of the inmates are stranded in water. Those who have remained stranded in their demolished houses are in miserable conditions and are having no option except to weep or pray to God to help them all. There are many instances where the family members have been divided into two parts. The parents particularly fathers have remained in the safer areas while their children who remain homes at time of the rain got stranded and are still in same condition. Those children have been weeping for the last three days and nights but there is non to come to their rescue and get them rid of this miserable condition and to take them to some safer areas and provide them with food and safe potable waters. The stranded people especially women and children are having nothing to eat as the little or small stock they had has already either finished or drained by the flood water. There are sick and old people also who are still in trouble stranded there in their houses with no medicines and other edible. This situation is not related with one or two particular area. The entire Khyber Pakhtunkhwa has been facing with same situations and people are in great trouble. They need to be evacuated first and then other facilities and needs be provided on emergency steps. The TV Channels and other humanitarian institutions have been calling the government to come to the rescue but the situations are so worst and are out of the control that only the government will not be able to handle it alone. The governments are not capable in even shiny days to help the people how can it would be able to come in help the citizens in rainy days?
The people need food, clean drinking water, clothes, tents, edibles, Medicines, and above all their evacuation is foremost needed and for this purpose small boats are required on emergency bases to bring the stranded people out of their places to comparatively safer places and spots.


Zar ali Khan
Tribal NGOs Consortium


Thursday, July 22, 2010

Tribal NGOs Consortium condemns killing of two Christian brothers in Faisalabad

Tribal NGOs Consortium strongly condemns killing of the two Christian brothers in Faisalabad Punjab by the religious fundamentalist elements who have made the society as hostage. Killing a human being should not be justified by just saying that he or she said some blasphemous remarks against a religious entity or sacred place and book etc. There are many people in this society who have their own grudges against people of the other sect or religion. They use the religion to justify their wrongdoings but it could not be justified in any case. Individuals are not permitted to harm a citizen or to kill him/her. This is an inhuman act and is to be condemned. The government is demanded to take action against such unlawful wrong doings, arrest the culprits and give them punishment as per law of the land.

Zar ali khan
Tribal NGOs Consortium

Friday, July 9, 2010

Tribal NGOs Consortium condemns suicide attack in Mahmand Agency,FATA

We were shocked to hear the sad news of the gory suicide incident in Mahmand Agency, FATA in which more than 50 innocent people were martyred and more than 80 were severely wounded. FATA and its people have been suffering for the last many years and especially after 2001 when the extremism and terrorism took the area into its grip and made the people of FATA forced to either migrate to comparatively safer areas of the province or had to live on the terms and conditions of the militants and military alike.
The recent report of the Amnesty International is an eye opener in which it was clearly stated that more than 4 million innocent tribal people are hostage to the militants and military alike. People of the FATA are living as IDPs and they have no basic amenities for the life. Recently about 40 thousands people were forced to leave the area in FR Peshawar by the apparently militants. The stories of the trouble and agony of the people in FR-Peshawar were published in various newspapers and were highlighted in media but still to no avail.
Tribal NGOs Consortium condemns the suicide incident in Mahmand Agency once again and demands of the government and other human rights organizations to do some thing positive and practical to save the people of FATA from such inhuman and barbaric acts.

Zar ali khan
Tribal NGOs Consortium