Thursday, July 22, 2010

Tribal NGOs Consortium condemns killing of two Christian brothers in Faisalabad

Tribal NGOs Consortium strongly condemns killing of the two Christian brothers in Faisalabad Punjab by the religious fundamentalist elements who have made the society as hostage. Killing a human being should not be justified by just saying that he or she said some blasphemous remarks against a religious entity or sacred place and book etc. There are many people in this society who have their own grudges against people of the other sect or religion. They use the religion to justify their wrongdoings but it could not be justified in any case. Individuals are not permitted to harm a citizen or to kill him/her. This is an inhuman act and is to be condemned. The government is demanded to take action against such unlawful wrong doings, arrest the culprits and give them punishment as per law of the land.

Zar ali khan
Tribal NGOs Consortium

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